My Story

My Story

Hello, and welcome to MHT&G!

I'm Michael and I started this construction business to be of service to my community and share in the knowledge that I have accumulated in my multi-decade work experience.
I have been working, repairing, building, and maintaining homes, as well as farms and vineyards alike. Beginning at age 6, building gardens with my family in Northern California, my work with sustainability has taken me to many incredible places.
 After graduating from UCLA in 2014, I spent almost two years traveling and working with WWOOF (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms) across many different countries. 

I am blessed to have learned from many teachers and I am very much a student of life.
I am proud to offer a level of quality and professionalism that is rarely surpassed. 

I have hand-built a wide variety of structures and designs, including a mud-stucco house, traditional framing, large and small decks, property line fencing, triple-gates, patio covers, large animal enclosure, terraced agriculture, traditional garden beds, Hugelkultur beds, innovative garden beds, French Drains, Dry Wells, Rain Gardens and more. 

I have planted, cared for, and reaped; plants and fruit trees in their hundreds, ranging from traditional staples and exotics, to medicinal herbs and fungi.
Whatever your need is for your home --
Michael's Home Tech & Garden is your partner in creating success.


Established 2019 
St. John's, Portland, OR.

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